
Showing posts from July, 2009

Rindu Gus Dur, Rindu Kyai Ahmad Siddiq

Entah, pagi ini kok tiba-tiba perasaan ‘kangen Gus Dur’ saya tersambung dengan Pak Yudhiastra. “Assalamualaikum, bagaimana kabar Gus Dur?” sebuah pesan obrolan tiba-tiba muncul di kiri bawah halaman FB. Agak tergagap aku membacanya, apalagi berpikir untuk menjawabnya. Sebab aku benar-benar gak tahu, bagaimana kabar beliau. Informasi terakhir, beliau dirawat di RSCM, dan dibezuk beberapa tokoh, termasuk Jusuf Kalla. Tapi aku harus menjawabnya. “Insya allah baik. Jarang ketemu fisik, saya hanya ketemu visi, dengan beliau..,”. Itu jawaban maksimal yang sebenarnya tidak menjawab apapun, kecuali informasi ketersambungan visi saya dengan Gus Dur. Jawaban yang umum, Hehe… Secepat kilat, dia menyambar. “Semoga belia cepat sembuh, sekarang saya lagi jarang nonton TV, lagi jenuh saja lihat tingkah politikus yg angkuh.” Betapa orang ini telah kehilangan sesuatu dari televisi: kehilangan kepercayaan pada politisi kita. Tapi Apa hubungannya dengan Gus Dur ya? Barangkali dia rindu pada tampilan tulu...

Jermain Jackson tentang Agama Adiknya

Jermaine Jackson (aka Mohammed Abdul Aziz), revealed to the Editor of The Muslim News, Ahmed J Versi, in an exclusive interview on February 7, 2007, that his brother Michael may soon convert to Islam. Complately, click: Jermaine Jackson, 53, who took part in the controversial Celebrity Big Brother on Channel 4, discusses about his conversion and how his faith helped him get through the reality programme. Jermaine was very sure that his brother, Michael, would convert to Islam. He said that Michael has shown a lot of interest in Islam. “When I came back from Makkah I got him a lot of books and he asked me lots of things about my religion and I told him that it’s peaceful and beautiful. He read everything and he was proud of me that I found something that would give me inner strength and peace. I think it is most probable that Michael will convert to Islam.” Jeramaine believes if Michael converts, he would do a lot for Muslims. “He...